Our first blog post! Oh my goodness, what do we write about? What do you want to hear about? Will you read it and be interested?
All of the above (and so much more) has buzzed through our minds! So, in moments of mild panic and semi-stress we did what any self respecting women do - had a stress tidy and then watched “Mamma Mia”! Now, feeling suitably fuelled on ABBA songs, we thought we would tell you a little bit of how we see ourselves and where we would like to go.
Ok here goes... as Thoughtful Botanicals we hope to be as eco-conscious as possible, using biodegradable materials in all our bouquet wrap, cards and wreath materials. We are always on the look-out for ways we can bring joy to your home in an sustainable way.
We are working with a lovely organic British family farm who are busy growing and cutting our mistletoe and berried holly. This is the Best of British and we know you will share this belief with us.
Our premium products are made up of a mixture of British grown flowers and foliage and we aim to be 100% British by 2022 (or even grow our own in time!). We are in your hands and will be picking your brains about it!
Our selection of houseplants are hand picked from trusted suppliers from the UK and around the world.
Both of us are bursting with exciting ideas for the future of Thoughtful Botanicals, and would love for you to join us on the journey.
We are committed to trying our best and listening to any new ideas that people may have - the crazier the better!! Get in touch, we love a chat.
Thanks for reading (if you’ve stuck with us this long)
The Dancing Queens
Lisa & Sharon xx

Hi just want to wish you all the luck in the world!!! I’m so excited for you both!!xx😘😘